Information for
Parents and Carers

This page contains information for our parents and carers of Wye Under Fives.
Please scroll down to find out about:-

Term Dates

Please download our term dates here. 

Please note that the picnic planned in July 24 is being replaced with a celebration in fun week.


Kit List & Uniform

When your child attends Pre-School we ask you to please ensure they bring with them their Wye Under Fives Bag, containing their: 

  • Blue Contact Book
  • Water Bottle
  • Lunch (if applicable)
  • Nappies and wet wipes for the day (if applicable)
  • A spare set of clothes
  • If wearing wellies to pre-school, please ensure they have some shoes to change into for the day.
  • For hot weather, hats and sun cream

Pre-school can involve messy fun, our uniform is not compulsory but can be useful to stop everyday clothing getting stained.

Items available are navy blue t-shirts, polo shirts an sweatshirt jumpers, all with our logo on them.

Please click on the link to take you to My Clothing, our uniform partner.  Search for Wye Under Fives.

Health Visitor Service and Useful Links

Please find a useful link to the health visitor service.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

To make sure that our provision meets the needs of each individual child, we take account of any special needs a child may have. We work to the requirements of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice: 0 to 25 years (2015). 

If your child has a special need or disability or you are worried that your child isn’t developing or reaching their milestones as you expect, please call or visit us and speak to our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) to discuss any issues that you may have.   We aim to respond to any initial concerns as soon as possible so that we can work in strong partnership with you and put effective arrangements and support in place.

Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator is Mel Graham


All our policies are held at the setting and are available for parents and carers to review at any time. Please ask any member of staff if you would like to see them.
For your information you can download here our Child Protection Policy and Visitor Information Policy.


There are recommendations from the Health Protection Agency for the number of days to keep children away from the pre-school for most of the common conditions are as follows:
• Coughs, colds, sore throat, high temperature, ear ache - should be at home until they are well enough to return to Wye Under Fives.
• Conjunctivitis, can attend pre-school, children will be asked to carry out extra hygiene practice to prevent further spread.
• Chickenpox, keep at home usually five days from the onset of rash – spots must all be scabbed over.
• German Measles (rubella), keep at home six days from the onset of rash.
• Measles, keep at home four days from the onset of rash.
• Diarrhoea/or vomiting, keep at home 48 hours after the last episode.
• COVID-19, isolate in line with government guidelines.
We insist on these periods being followed for the benefit of all the children who attend Wye Under Fives and appreciate your understanding.

If your child is poorly during a session, we will assess the situation, and If your child needs to be sent home, we will contact to ask you to collect your child at the earliest opportunity.

If your child takes prescribed medicine regularly then please discuss this with your key worker as you will need to give Wye Under Fives signed permission to administer medicines on your behalf.

Healthy Lunchbox ideas

Children staying for lunch will need to bring in healthy packed lunch.  We like to encourage the children to eat healthily,  we also understand we all sometimes need help with ideas for our daily lunch boxes.

We have some lunchbox tips below and there are two links that give more ideas about lunchboxes and nutrition. We would request that nuts are not included in any lunchboxes due to allergies. 

  • Lunches should be based on Starchy Carbohydrates, such as bread, potatoes, rice or pasta;
  • include a Fresh Fruit, Vegetables or Salad;
  • include a source of Protein, such as beans, pulses, eggs, cheese (or a non- dairy alternative) meat or fish;
  • include a side dish such as a yoghurt (or a non-dairy alternative), tea cake, fruit bread, plain rice or corn cakes, plain popcorn or jelly.

Children often like food they can eat with their fingers, you could try:

  • Chop up raw vegetables, such as carrots or peppers, give them hummus or cottage/cream cheese to dip them in.
  • Chop up fruit, such as apple, satsuma segments, strawberries, blueberries, halved grapes or melon slices. (Add a squeeze of lemon juice to stop them from going brown.)
  • Breadsticks and wholemeal crackers make great finger foods, spread them with low-fat creamy cheese.
  • Choose malt loaf, tea cakes, fruit breads or just fruit, instead of cake, chocolate, cereal bars and biscuits. Fruit can be fresh dried or canned (in juice, not syrup).   

Note: Dried fruit is not recommended as a snack between meals as it is high in sugar and can be bad for teeth, but it is ok when eaten as part of a meal.

Bad Weather

Before School. :-  If weather conditions are poor and access to Wye difficult, we will aim to let parents know if the Pre-School is closed as soon as a decision has been made. 

Ways you can find out if the pre-school is closed include:

  • The main page of our website
  • Our Facebook Page
  • Kent School Closures Website 
  • Email.
  • Or by telephoning the setting.

If the Pre-School is open but driving conditions could be dangerous, please only travel at your discretion.  If you are unable to bring your child in, please phone us directly to advise.

During the day:- If the weather deteriorates during session times, we will contact parents and advise, where possible, to collect children. No child will be sent home before the end of school without parent’s consent. Likewise, parents should contact the Pre-School for information, or to advise us if they are experiencing difficulty in collecting their children.

It is vital that all of your emergency contact details are correct and that your emergency person is aware of Pre-School procedures.

Easy Fundraising

Did you know that whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could be raising free donations for Wye Under Fives Preschool with easyfundraising?
There are over 4,000 shops and sites on board ready to make a donation – including eBay, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, and M&S – and it won’t cost you a penny extra to help us raise funds. All you need to do is:
1. Go to and join for free.
2. Every time you shop online, go to easyfundraising first to find the site you want and start shopping.
3. After you’ve checked out, the retailer will make a donation to Wye Under Fives Preschool at no extra cost to you whatsoever!
There are no catches or hidden charges and Wye Under Fives Preschool will be really grateful for your donations.
Thank you for your support.

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